Our Most Popular Questions.

Does Get Streams TV only work in the Ohio Region?

No, GSTV works anywhere in the world where there is high speed internet service.

Does GSTV offer my local broadcast networks?

Yes! We provide local channels for MOST cities across the US! (send us an email or text if you want us to confirm your local network channels)

How does GSTV work?

GSTV service runs off your high-speed internet. Using an Android box, a Firestick, a Tablet, or cell phone you can watch LIVE TV 24/7! If you buy a device from us, we will set up your account and get you logged in. We make this as plug and play as possible.

We see in the product description that your service has XXX Adult channels, can those be omitted?

Yes! If you don't want the XXX Adult channels we can leave them off at the time of purchase OR you can easily hide them in the parental controls section! If ordering online please note "remove xxx" in the comment section of your order.

Do you provide a Channel List?

Great question that we are asked almost every single day. Since we offer 1500 channels, I'm sure you can understand that the list would be enormous. That said we offer Local Channels from MOST major markets from all over the US (484 Channels). For our Ohio customers, we offer Local Broadcast networks from CLE, CBUS, CINCY, YTOWN and some from Toledo. With regard to our Sports offerings, we have ALL Sports Channels from all over the US and even International Sports networks. We offer over 200+ premium "cable" type networks and we're happy to confirm your "MUST Have's" if you send us a request via this website or on our Facebook Page.

Do you provide tech support?

Yes! Tech Support is available through our discord app 24/7. Using our Discord app you can report broken streams, request new channels, and ask questions – the group is interactive, and our customers are amazing. Our legacy customers also participate and help answer questions as well!

Can we DVR?

No, we do not store, archive, or record any content and do not provide DVR services.

Do you offer parental controls?

Yes, we do offer parental controls in the settings section using a 5 digit pin code.

Do you offer a free trail?

We do not currently offer a free trial. Since our service is very inexpensive, we suggest that you try us out for 1 month for 1 TV for $20.00 as a "try it before you buy it" option.